Friday, August 12, 2011

Irene Castle's Flaming Red Turkish Trousers

I actually wrote a a paper about Turkish trousers for school (and bloomers, and dress reform, blah blah blah... there was a good academic reason for it, not just a costuming whim). Actually, I also made an outfit and turned that in as part of the project, and I even wore it to Newport, but I haven't gotten the pictures onto my computer yet... I will just have to owe you and post it soon.

One of my favorite things that I found while writing this paper was this description in Vernon and Irene Castle's Ragtime Revolution (found here on googlebooks): "A group of Cornell professors' wives told of their shock when one of Irene's monkeys invaded their tea party, and recalled Irene herself rising at the ungodly hour of noon and traipsing around in 'a flaming pair of red Turkish trousers.'"

I want a pair! What a great description. None of these are red, but check out these lovely Turkish Trouser ensembles for inspiration. I think they are fabulously subtle. Still, I think that one day I must make an absurd pair that is "flaming red" in Irene's honor.

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