Not all Regency dresses were white. A lot of them were, and they are really gorgeous. You don't need to avoid white, but you also should not feel stuck to it. In fact, a plain white dress is at best rare. That sort of gauzy dress you are imagining right now should probably have a subtle pattern woven into the fabric, or maybe a healthy dose of embroidery.

There is embroidery all over the place. This is probably my favorite example, though.

Sheer gauzy fabrics were all the rage. This includes near-indecent sheer white dresses, but also cool overlays for your dresses! Check it out.

I've been seeing a lot of dresses with metallic elements - either the fabric itself, or some embroidery, or some really smashing trim!

Very popular, especially in a cute spencer or pelisse.

I have little to say on this, but just look around. The gauzy white draping? The columnar silhouette? Regency is all about the classical influences.

I am totally in love with Princess Charlotte. I've already shown you a picture of her jumper dress (see Faking Regency 101 in the sleeves section). This is her bellflower dress. I don't even know what to say about it, it is just so lovely. Thanks to Vic of the Jane Austen's World blog for making these great pictures available - go here to read a whole post about this dress.

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