Tuesday, August 10, 2010

1890s Ball at Belcourt Castle

Phew! Finally home from Newport, and feeling rested/conscious/competent enough to go through the photos. I meant to do this during the week, but it ended up being far too packed with events for there to be blogging time. Lucky for you, that means more stuff now! I'm going to do one event a day so as not to overwhelm you with pictures.

The first fancy costumed event (although there were tons of other events and classes, which I will not talk about in detail, and there was a Seaside tea dance, pictures from which I have unfortunately lost) was an 1890s ball at Belcourt Castle. For this ball, I finished (or got into a wearable state) my brand new pink 1890s dress. It is super exciting, and made from fabric that would have made Worth himself drool. The full extent of the lavish sparkliness can't really be captured, I'm afraid. I also did ridiculous Gibson Girl-ish hair, which was interesting. Also, while looking at the pictures showcasing my dress, also note the amazing setting. It is a very strange and beautiful place.

Julia wore a new medium blue (a dark blue embroidered overlay, but it is on white) 1890s dress. It will probably get trimmed with dusty pink velvet or something cool, but we weren't quite at that point yet. Two new dresses, even unfinished, are pretty exciting.


  1. I didn't even recognize you in the first couple pictures - I thought they were antique paintings! What a phenomenal dress!!

  2. Wow! The dresses are stunning - true Belle Epoque style. You look very authentic, and I agree with the previous poster that the pictures look more like paintings than photos.
